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BILIBILI 11周年演讲,邀请多位嘉宾与B站分享他们的故事......


一开始在看SNL,在Weekly Update单元主持人说这部纪录片doc对于MJ的杀伤力比那个害死他的医生doc还要厉害,在好奇心的驱使下找来一看,4个小时。不得不感叹,即使只有当事人和他们的家人的叙述,也能直接呈现给观众一个清晰娈童癖的模式、用明星光环和慷慨赠予与家长建立友谊与信任,再单独与小男孩许诺爱与前程永不分开这一手高明的操纵,直到他换个新的小男孩。一个再缺乏童年的男性,长大成人以后也是有性欲的,留自己年幼的孩子与一个成年男子上床睡觉的父母,真是枉为父母,恋童癖者也不都是像R Kelly那样狂暴性虐(R Kelly也被告了几次,但是都赔钱脱罪了),也有MJ这种以爱的名义,让你感到自己很特殊被重视,让被害儿童在一段时间内感觉良好的模式。

两位当事人 James Safechuck 和 Wade Robson在童年时期都是非常漂亮的小男孩。他们分别来自美国和澳洲的中产家庭,因为两个小孩容貌姣好又有点才艺,机缘巧合遇到了当时的超级巨星MJ。两家人都分别在超级巨星这里享受了盛情的款待,让他们惊叹大明星如此的亲善慷慨,和他们这种普通人交朋友,然后他们俊美的儿子,就开始了和大明星单独相处的时间。澳洲的Wade Robson在音乐和舞蹈方面的天分,让他妈妈更ambitious,但是很快就发现现实并非他们预想的美好,当另一个新的小男孩出现在MJ身边,他们就被冷落了。Wade Robson11岁有了经纪公司,从少年时就在美国舞蹈界展露头角,这一切与他自己的天赋直接相关,他成年后是 NSYNC and Britney Spears 的编舞,后来还做舞蹈真人秀。James Safechuck艺术天分没有那么突出,虽然MJ赞助他在十几岁的时候拍摄过一些短片,但是他现在的工作是一个程序员。纪录片播出后,两位当事人都多次收到了来自MJ歌迷的死亡威胁。

1993年,MJ收到娈童指控,两位当事人都为MJ出庭作证MJ没有不当行为,这两位当事人都是未成年人,James Safechuck时年15岁,Wade Robson时年11岁。2005年,MJ又被控告娈童,James Safechuck在纪录片中说他拒绝了出庭作证并告诉自己的父母不要出庭作证,2005年的法庭上没有他。Wade Robson此时已经23岁再次出庭作证MJ没有不当行为,MJ最终被宣判无罪。如果纪录片中的童年被性侵内容属实,Wade Robson在23岁时在法庭上做假证,又怎么处理呢?就不追究了?




包括Ellen, Sia, Bill Maher。。。


Sia 的态度很明确

Bill Maher谴责MJ的同时,还不忘拉川普来垫背,彪马秀估计MJ的粉丝也不用看了,哈哈哈哈哈


多次获奖的纪录片导演 Theroux认为看过这部纪录片依然不认为MJ是娈童癖的人选择性失明,去抵制这部纪录片的人,是逼受害者消声的共犯

人物杂志专访John Legend。他呼吁大家都去观看纪录片Leaving Neverland,并说他也会去看,只有看看名人的坏事让歌迷们自己决定是否可以接受这个名人的音乐,John Legend也在推特上diss了在法庭几进几出毫发无伤的恋童癖R Kelly。


也有为MJ来辩护人,MJ的生前好友 马克·莱斯特 Mark Lester,他曾是英国童星,豆瓣链接在下


Mark Lester出现在英国独立电视台ITV的晨间访谈节目The Morning,下面是该节目在YouTube上的官方频道链接


Mark Lester是为MJ来辩护的,但是主持人重提了Mark Lester曾说过的:MJ要Mark Lester捐精给他

Mark Lester显然没有料到,主持人提到Mark Lester之前公开说“他曾为MJ捐精”,回复“不管MJ是不是生父,MJ都是那3个孩子的父亲”。

主持人问MJ的好友Mark Lester知道不知道MJ这些孩子的生父是谁,如果他正是MJ某个孩子的生父,你们自己看看Mark Lester的表情

主持人提到Paris与这个MJ的好友+捐精人Mark Lester在外貌上就很相似,还特地放出一张Paris Jackson雾化照片,让Mark Lester一阵慌乱,支支吾吾不知如何回复。

另一位MJ的好友Corey Feldman,他说他在童年时期MJ没有对他做过不当的事情,纪录片是一面之词。两天之后,他改变的立场,说他不再为MJ辩护。并补充道:基于要让受害人发声,让受害者的声音被听到。https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leaving_Neverland#Jackson_estate_and_supporters

Actor Corey Feldman, who was friends with Jackson as a child, said that Jackson had not acted inappropriately towards him and called the documentary "one-sided".[36] Two days later, he changed his stance, saying he can "no longer defend" Jackson. He added: "It comes to a point where as an advocate for victims, as an advocate for changing the statutes of limitations to make sure victims' voices are heard, it becomes impossible for me to remain virtuous and not at least consider what's being said and not listen to what the victims are saying."




Public response

The documentary led to a backlash against Jackson in the media.

  • A number of radio broadcasters removed Jackson's music from their stations, including Cogeco in Quebec, the NH Radio in The Netherlands,[44]and Radio New Zealand and the NZME group.
  • "Stark Raving Dad", an episode of The Simpsons that guest-starred Jackson, was pulled from circulation.、
  • Drake removed "Don't Matter to Me", a song with Jackson's vocals, from his Assassination Vacation Tour.
  • Items of Jackson's clothing and a Jackson poster were removed from The Children's Museum of Indianapolis.
  • Louis Vuitton announced they will no longer produce Jackson-inspired products as part of a 2019 autumn/winter collection.

奥普拉上2019年4月11日的每日秀(The Daily Show with Trevor Noah)节目,告诉主持人Trevor Noah,她对纪录片中两位当事人的立场没有动摇过。并且举例说:奥普拉学校的女生遭到性侵,就因为女生在法庭证人席上一时不能确定性侵发生在星期三还是星期四,这个女生就被认为是不可信的,无法打赢官司。奥普拉反问:我家里发生了异常的动静,难道我的第一反应是去看手表确认发生时间么?这些受害人经历了创伤,时间节点的问题并不能说明性侵没有发生。

Oprah discussed her support of HBO’s Michael Jackson documentary series Leaving Neverland in a new interview on Trevor Noah’s The Daily Show.

“I never wavered,” Oprah told Trevor Noah of her support for the controversial series, which featured men, James Safechuck and Wade Robson, who accuse Jackson of child sexual abuse. “It was important enough for me to take the hateration.”

Noah asked whether Oprah had ever wavered in her beliefs, particularly when the documentary’s director Dan Reed conceded that there was an issue with its timeline of alleged abuse. “I have not wavered,” she responded, and went on to make a powerful statement about the reality of what happens when a victim has to testify or recall painful events that have happened to them.

“You know why I have not wavered? I’ve had girls at my school who were sexually assaulted and abused. And I have never won a case, and the reason I have never won a case is because when you put a girl on the witness stand and she can’t remember if it was Thursday or Wednesday, it’s automatically discredited. When you’re in the midst of trauma, you may not remember the exact time.” She added that if a victim is unable to remember the day and the time an alleged assault happened, “everyone’s like ‘well, okay, I guess it never happened.’ I’ve been through that, so, no.”


Oprah Defends Michael Jackson Accusers Despite New Doubts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbP5ZO3xPGk

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