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枪击案发生一年后,达伦一直被噩梦所困扰,只有一只正常工作的肺。但他正在重新开始自己的生活,希望能和他心爱的罗西(现在住在伦敦)复合,并为后起之秀香烟走私犯和高利贷者弗兰做一些工作。SPOILER ALERT: Love/Hate comes to an explosive end剧透:万万想不到的爱恨两边缘结局文/科斯蒂·布莱克·诺克斯2013.11.11MANY thought he was a dead man walking, but King Nidge has lived to see another season.许多人认为奈杰的生命会结束,但是他却出现在新的一季中。However, things didn't turn out quite so well for dodgy dentist Andrew who came to a brutal end in the season finale of Love/Hate.但是对于狡猾的牙医安德鲁来说,事情就不尽人如意,在爱恨两边缘最后一季他迎来的是残酷的结局。Andrew was suffocated with a plastic bag by Fran the Man in his home.安德鲁在家中被弗兰用塑料袋蒙面窒息而死。And actor Peter O'Meara, who previously starred as Lieutenant Norman Dike inHBO's Band of Brothers, says he was terrified filming the scene.在兄弟连中扮演中尉诺曼堤的彼特·奥梅拉说在拍摄这个场景的时候他吓坏了。“It's the most terrifying scene I've ever performed,” the 44-year-old told the Herald.这个44岁的男人在先锋报的采访中说 :“这是我拍摄过的最恐怖的场景”“I don't think it's the kind of scene I'd ever like to do again — and I've jumped off moving trains.“我再也不想拍从飞驰的火车上跳了下来这样的场景了。”“I was extremely nervous about having a plastic bag put over my head. No matter how you prepare for it — two guys holding you down covering your face feels scary.“不论我做了多少准备,一想到塑料袋蒙住我的头我就特别紧张。两个人把你放倒,然后蒙住你的脸,这种感觉真的是很恐怖。During one particular take it felt so real and so terrifying I had to stop, go outside and calm myself down. I think I earned my money that day.”某一瞬间这种感觉非常真实非常恐怖我不得不停止拍摄出去透气让我自己凌静下来,那一天我真的是吃到了苦头。”Peter admitted he was shocked and saddened when he discovered his character met with such a gruesome end.皮特坦言当他知道自己所扮演人物的悲惨结局时,他很震惊同时也很伤心。His role may have been fleeting but Peter relished being part of such a successful series皮特说虽然他扮演的角色已经迎来了他的结局,但是他很高兴能参演真么优秀的电视剧。                                  --------松鼠字幕 于轻疯 译


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